In this lab you learn to create storage accounts for Azure blobs and Azure files. You learn to configure and secure blob containers. You also learn to use Storage Browser to configure and secure Azure file shares.
This lab requires an Azure subscription. Your subscription type may affect the availability of features in this lab. You may change the region, but the steps are written using East US.
Your organization is currently storing data in on-premises data stores. Most of these files are not accessed frequently. You would like to minimize the cost of storage by placing infrequently accessed files in lower-priced storage tiers. You also plan to explore different protection mechanisms that Azure Storage offers, including network access, authentication, authorization, and replication. Finally, you want to determine to what extent Azure Files is suitable for hosting your on-premises file shares.
There are interactive lab simulations that you might find useful for this topic. The simulation lets you to click through a similar scenario at your own pace. There are differences between the interactive simulation and this lab, but many of the core concepts are the same. An Azure subscription is not required.
Create blob storage. Create a storage account, manage blob storage, and monitor storage activities.
Manage Azure storage. Create a storage account and review the configuration. Manage blob storage containers. Configure storage networking.
In this task, you will create and configure a storage account. The storage account will use geo-redundant storage and will not have public access.
Sign in to the Azure portal -
Search for and select Storage accounts
, and then click + Create.
On the Basics tab of the Create a storage account blade, specify the following settings (leave others with their default values):
Setting | Value |
Subscription | the name of your Azure subscription |
Resource group | az104-rg7 (create new) |
Storage account name | any globally unique name between 3 and 24 in length consisting of letters and digits |
Region | (US) East US |
Performance | Standard (notice the Premium option) |
Redundancy | Geo-redundant storage (notice the other options) |
Make read access to data in the event of regional availability | Check the box |
Did you know? You should use the Standard performance tier for most applications. Use the Premium performance tier for enterprise or high-performance applications.
On the Advanced tab, use the informational icons to learn more about the choices. Take the defaults.
On the Networking tab, review the available options, select Disable public access and use private access..
Review the Data protection tab. Notice 7 days is the default soft delete retention policy. Note you can enable blob versioning. Accept the defaults.
Review the Encryption tab. Notice the additional security options. Accept the defaults.
Select Review, wait for the validation process to complete, and then click Create.
Once the storage account is deployed, select Go to resource.
Review the Overview blade and the additional configurations that can be changed. These are global settings for the storage account. Notice the storage account can be used for Blob containers, File shares, Queues, and Tables.
In the Security + Networking section, select Networking. Notice public network access is disabled.
In the Data management section, view the Redundancy blade. Notice the information about your primary and secondary data center locations.
In the Data management section, select Lifecycle management, and then select Add a rule.
Name the rule Movetocool
. Notice your options for limiting the scope of the rule, accept the defaults and Select Next.
On the Base blobs tab, if based blobs were last modified more than 30 days
ago then move to cool storage. Notice your other choices.
Notice you can configure other conditions. Select Add when you are done exploring.
In this task, you will create a blob container and upload an image. Blob containers are directory-like structures that store unstructured data.
Continue in the Azure portal, working with your storage account.
In the Data storage section, click Containers.
Click + Container and Create a container with the following settings:
Setting | Value |
Name | data |
Public access level | Notice the access level is set to private |
On your container, scroll to to the ellipses (…) on the far right, select Access Policy.
In the Immutable blob storage area, select Add policy.
Setting | Value |
Policy type | Time-based retention |
Set retention period for | 180 days |
Select Save.
Return to the containers page, select your data container and then click Upload.
On the Upload blob blade, expand the Advanced section.
Note: Locate a file to upload. This can be any type of file, but a small file is best. A sample file can be downloaded from the AllFiles directory.
Setting | Value |
Browse for files | add the file you have selected to upload |
Select Advanced | |
Blob type | Block blob |
Block size | 4 MiB |
Access tier | Hot (notice the other options) |
Upload to folder | securitytest |
Encryption scope | Use existing default container scope |
Click Upload.
Confirm you have a new folder, and your file was uploaded.
Select your upload file and review the options including Download, Delete, Change tier, and Acquire lease.
Copy the file URL and paste into a new Inprivate browsing window.
You should be presented with an XML-formatted message stating ResourceNotFound or PublicAccessNotPermitted.
Note: This is expected, since the container you created has the public access level set to Private (no anonymous access).
Select your uploaded file and then on the Generate SAS tab. You can also use the ellipses (…) to the far right. Specify the following settings (leave others with their default values):
Setting | Value |
Signing key | Key 1 |
Permissions | Read (notice your other choices) |
Start date | yesterday’s date |
Start time | current time |
Expiry date | tomorrow’s date |
Expiry time | current time |
Allowed IP addresses | leave blank |
Click Generate SAS token and URL.
Copy the Blob SAS URL entry to the clipboard.
Open another InPrivate browser window and navigate to the Blob SAS URL you copied in the previous step.
Note: You should be able to view the content of the file.
In this task, you will create and configure Azure File shares. You will use Storage Browser to manage the file share.
In the Azure portal, navigate back to your storage account, in the Data storage section, click File shares.
Click + File share and on the Basics tab give the file share a name, share1
Notice the Tier options. Keep the default Transaction optimized.
Move to the Backup tab and ensure Enable Backup is not checked. We are disabling backup to simplify the lab configuration.
Click Review + create, and then Create. Wait for the file share to deploy.
Return to your storage account and select Storage Browser. The Azure Storage Browser is an portal tool that lets you quickly view all the storage services under your account.
Select File shares and verify your share1 directory is present.
Select your share1 directory and notice you can + Add directory. This lets you create a folder structure.
Select Upload. Browse to a file of your choice, and then click Upload.
Note: You can view file shares and manage those shares in the Storage Browser. There are currently no restrictions.
In the portal, search for and select Virtual networks.
Select + Create. Select your resource group. and give the virtual network a name, vnet1
Take the defaults for other parameters, select Review + create, and then Create.
Wait for the virtual network to deploy, and then select Go to resource.
Return to your storage account.
In the Security + networking section, select the Networking blade.
Select add existing virtual network and select vnet1 and default subnet, select Add.
In the Firewall section, Delete your machine IP address. Allowed traffic should only come from the virtual network.
Be sure to Save your changes.
Note: The storage account should now only be accessed from the virtual network you just created.
Select the Storage browser and Refresh the page. Navigate to your file share or blob content.
Note: You should receive a message not authorized to perform this operation. You are not connecting from the virtual network. It may take a couple of minutes for this to take effect.
If you are working with your own subscription take a minute to delete the lab resources. This will ensure resources are freed up and cost is minimized. The easiest way to delete the lab resources is to delete the lab resource group.
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name resourceGroupName
.az group delete --name resourceGroupName
.Congratulations on completing the lab. Here are the main takeaways for this lab.