In this unit, you will configure DNS name resolution for Contoso Ltd. You will create a private DNS zone named, link the VNets for registration and resolution, and then create two virtual machines and test the configuration.
In this exercise, you will:
Go to Azure Portal.
On the Azure home page, in the search bar, enter dns, and then select Private DNS zones.
In Private DNS zones, select + Create.
Use the information in the following table to create the private DNS zone.
Tab | Option | Value |
Basics | Resource group | ContosoResourceGroup |
Name | | |
Tags | No changes required | |
Select Review + create | Wait for validation to complete: Review your settings and select Create |
Wait until the deployment is complete, and then select Go to resource.
Verify that the zone has been created.
In, under Settings, select Virtual network links.
On | Virtual network links, select + Add. |
![ | Virtual links with + Add highlighted.](/Azure-Advanced-Networking/Instructions/media/add-network-link-dns.png) |
Option | Value |
Link name | CoreServicesVnetLink |
Subscription | No changes required |
Virtual Network | CoreServicesVnet (ContosoResourceGroup) |
Enable auto registration | Selected |
Review your settings and select OK. |
Note: You do not need to wait for completion, carry on with the next step.
On | Virtual network links, select + Add. |
Option | Value |
Link name | ManufacturingVnetLink |
Subscription | No changes required |
Virtual Network | ManufacturingVnet (ContosoResourceGroup) |
Enable auto registration | Selected |
Review your settings and select OK. |
On | Virtual network links, select + Add. |
Option | Value |
Link name | ResearchVnetLink |
Subscription | No changes required |
Virtual Network | ResearchVnet (ContosoResourceGroup) |
Enable auto registration | Selected |
Review your settings and select OK. |
Select Refresh: It may take upto 20 seconds before all 3 Network links show in the blade.
Verify that the CoreServicesVnetLink, ManufacturingVnetLink and the ResearchVnetLink has been created, and that auto-registration is enabled.
In this section, you will create two test VMs to test the Private DNS zone configuration.
On the Azure portal, open a PowerShell session within the Cloud Shell pane.
Note: If this is the first time opening Cloud Shell, you might be prompted to create a storage account. Select Create storage.
On the toolbar of the Cloud Shell pane, select the Upload/Download files icon, in the drop-down menu, select Upload and upload the following files azuredeploy.json and azuredeploy.parameters.json into the Cloud Shell home directory one by one from the source folder Allfiles\Exercises\M01.
Deploy the following ARM templates to create the VMs needed for this exercise:
$RGName = "ContosoResourceGroup"
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $RGName -TemplateFile azuredeploy.json -TemplateParameterFile azuredeploy.parameters.json
When the deployment is complete, go to the Azure portal home page, and then select Virtual Machines.
Verify that both virtual machines have been created.
On the Azure Portal home page, select Private DNS zones.
On Private DNS zones, select
Verify that host (A) records are listed for both VMs, as shown:
On the Azure Portal home page, select Virtual Machines.
Select TestVM1.
On TestVM1, select Connect > RDP.
On TestVM1 | Connect, select Download RDP file. |
Save the RDP file to your desktop.
On the Azure Portal home page, select Virtual Machines.
Select TestVM2.
On TestVM2, select Connect > RDP.
On TestVM2 | Connect, select Download RDP file. |
Save the RDP file to your desktop.
Connect to TestVM1 using the RDP file, and the username TestUser and the password TestPa$$w0rd!.
If prompted, in Networks, select Yes.
On TestVM1, open a PowerShell console and enter the command ipconfig /all.
Verify that the IP address is the same as the one you noted in the DNS zone.
Enter the command ping
Verify that the FQDN resolves to the IP address that you noted in the Private DNS zone. The ping itself will timeout because of the Windows Firewall that is enabled on the VMs.
Congratulations! You have created a private DNS Zone, added a name resolution and auto-registration link, and tested name resolution in your configuration.
Note: Do not Delete any resources: you will use them in the next LAB Exercise.