In this unit, you will configure connectivity between the CoreServicesVnet and the ManufacturingVnet by adding peerings to allow traffic flow.
In this unit, you will:
In this section, you will create a test VM on the Manufacturing VNet to test if you can access resources inside another Azure virtual network from your ManufacturingVnet.
On the Azure portal, open the PowerShell session within the Cloud Shell pane.
On the toolbar of the Cloud Shell pane, select the Upload/Download files icon, in the drop-down menu, select Upload and upload the following files ManufacturingVMazuredeploy.json and ManufacturingVMazuredeploy.parameters.json into the Cloud Shell home directory one by one from the source folder F:\Allfiles\Exercises\M01.
Deploy the following ARM templates to create the VMs needed for this exercise:
$RGName = "ContosoResourceGroup"
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $RGName -TemplateFile ManufacturingVMazuredeploy.json -TemplateParameterFile ManufacturingVMazuredeploy.parameters.json
When the deployment is complete, go to the Azure portal home page, and then select Virtual Machines.
Verify that the virtual machine has been created.
On the Azure Portal home page, select Virtual Machines.
Select ManufacturingVM.
On ManufacturingVM, select Connect > RDP.
On ManufacturingVM | Connect, select Download RDP file. |
Save the RDP file to your desktop.
Connect to ManufacturingVM using the RDP file, and the username TestUser and the password TestPa$$w0rd!.
On the Azure Portal home page, select Virtual Machines.
Select TestVM1.
On TestVM1, select Connect > RDP.
On **TestVM1 | Connect, select **Download RDP file. |
Save the RDP file to your desktop.
Connect to TestVM1 using the RDP file, and the username TestUser and the password TestPa$$w0rd!.
On both VMs, in Networks, select Yes.
On TestVM1, open a PowerShell prompt, and run the following command: ipconfig
On the ManufacturingVM, open a PowerShell prompt.
Use the following command to verify that there is no connection to TestVM1 on CoreServicesVnet. Be sure to use the IPv4 address for TestVM1.
Test-NetConnection -port 3389
The test connection should fail, and you will see a result similar to the following:
On the Azure home page, select Virtual Networks, and then select CoreServicesVnet.
In CoreServicesVnet, under Settings, select Peerings.
On CoreServicesVnet | Peerings, select + Add. |
Add a peering with the following settings (leave others with their default values) and click Add:
Setting | Value |
This virtual network | |
Peering link name | CoreServicesVnet-to-ManufacturingVnet |
Allow ‘CoreServicesVnet’ to access the peered virtual network | Allow (default) |
Allow ‘CoreServicesVnet’ to receive forwarded traffic from the peered virtual network | Allow |
Allow gateway in ‘CoreServicesVnet’ to forward traffic to the peered virtual network | De-Selected |
Enable ‘CoreServicesVnet’ to use the peered virtual networks’ remote gateway | De-Selected |
Remote virtual network | |
Peering link name | ManufacturingVnet_to_CoreServicesVnet |
Virtual network deployment model | Resource manager |
I know my resource ID | De-Selected |
Subscription | the name of the Azure subscription you are using in this lab |
Virtual network | ManufacturingVnet |
Allow the peered virtual network to access ‘CoreServicesVnet’ | Allow (default) |
Allow the peered virtual network to receive forwarded traffic from ‘CoreServicesVnet’ | Allow |
Allow gateway in the peered virtual network to forward traffic to ‘CoreServicesVnet’ | De-Selected |
Enable the peered virtual network to use ‘CoreServicesVnet’ remote gateway | De-Selected |
Note: This step establishes two global peerings - one from CoreServicesVnet to ManufacturingVnet and the other from ManufacturingVnet to CoreServicesVnet. Note: If you don’t have a “MOC Subscription”, use the subscription you’ve been using previously. It’s just a name.
In **CoreServicesVnet | Peerings, verify that the **CoreServicesVnet-to-ManufacturingVnet peering is listed and Peering status says Connected.. |
Note: you may have to refresh the **CoreServicesVnet Peerings** blade more than once.
Under Virtual networks, select ManufacturingVnet, and verify the ManufacturingVnet-to-CoreServicesVnet peering is listed and Peering status says Connected.
Note: you may have to refresh the **ManufacturingVnet Peerings** blade more than once.
On the ManufacturingVM, open a PowerShell prompt.
Use the following command to verify that there is now a connection to TestVM1 on CoreServicesVnet.
Test-NetConnection -port 3389
The test connection should succeed, and you will see a result similar to the following:
Congratulations! You have successful configured connectivity between VNets by adding peerings.
Note: Remember to remove any newly created Azure resources that you no longer use. Removing unused resources ensures you will not see unexpected charges.
On the Azure portal, open the PowerShell session within the Cloud Shell pane. (Create Cloud Shell storage if needed, using default settings.)
Delete all resource groups you created throughout the labs of this module by running the following command:
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name 'ContosoResourceGroup' -Force -AsJob
Note: The command executes asynchronously (as determined by the -AsJob parameter), so while you will be able to run another PowerShell command immediately afterwards within the same PowerShell session, it will take a few minutes before the resource groups are actually removed.