
M02-Unit 3 Create and configure a virtual network gateway

In this exercise you will configure a virtual network gateway to connect the Contoso Core Services VNet and Manufacturing VNet.

In this exercise, you will:

Estimated time: 70 minutes (including ~45 minutes deployment waiting time)

Task 1: Create CoreServicesVnet and ManufacturingVnet

  1. On the Azure portal, open the PowerShell session within the Cloud Shell pane.

  2. On the toolbar of the Cloud Shell pane, select the Upload/Download files icon, in the drop-down menu, select Upload and upload the following files azuredeploy.json and azuredeploy.parameters.json into the Cloud Shell home directory one by one from the source folder Allfiles\Exercises\M02

  3. Deploy the following ARM templates to create the virtual network and subnets needed for this exercise:

    $RGName = "ContosoResourceGroup"
    #create resource group if it doesnt exist
    New-AzResourceGroup -Name $RGName -Location "eastus"
    New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $RGName -TemplateFile azuredeploy.json -TemplateParameterFile azuredeploy.parameters.json

Task 2: Create CoreServicesVnet Gateway

  1. In Search resources, services, and docs (G+/), enter Virtual network gateway, and then select Virtual network gateways from the results. Search for virtual network gateway on Azure Portal.

  2. In Virtual network gateways, select + Create.

  3. Use the information in the following table to create the virtual network gateway:

    Tab Section Option Value
    Basics Project Details Subscription No changes required
        ResourceGroup ContosoResourceGroup
      Instance Details Name CoreServicesVnetGateway
        Region East US
        Gateway type VPN
        VPN type Route-based
        SKU VpnGw1
        Generation Generation1
        Virtual network CoreServicesVnet
        Subnet GatewaySubnet (
        Public IP address type Standard (default)
      Public IP address Public IP address Create new
        Public IP address name CoreServicesVnetGateway-ip
        Enable active-active mode Disabled
        Configure BGP Disabled
    Select Review + create   Review your settings and select Create.  


    It can take up to 45 minutes to create a virtual network gateway.

Task 3: Create ManufacturingVnet Gateway

  1. In Search resources, services, and docs (G+/), enter Virtual network gateway, and then select Virtual network gateways from the results.

  2. In Virtual network gateways, select + Create.

  3. Use the information in the following table to create the virtual network gateway:

    Tab Section Option Value
    Basics Project Details Subscription No changes required
        ResourceGroup ContosoResourceGroup
      Instance Details Name ManufacturingVnetGateway
        Region West Europe
        Gateway type VPN
        VPN type Route-based
        SKU VpnGw1
        Generation Generation1
        Virtual network ManufacturingVnet
        Subnet GatewaySubnet (
        Public IP Address Type Standard (default)
      Public IP address Public IP address Create new
        Public IP address name ManufacturingVnetGateway-ip
        Enable active-active mode Disabled
        Configure BGP Disabled
    Select Review + create   Review your settings and select Create.  


    It can take up to 45 minutes to create a virtual network gateway.

Task 4: Create CoreServicesVM

  1. On the Azure portal, open the PowerShell session within the Cloud Shell pane.

  2. On the toolbar of the Cloud Shell pane, select the Upload/Download files icon, in the drop-down menu, select Upload and upload the following files CoreServicesVMazuredeploy.json and CoreServicesVMazuredeploy.parameters.json into the Cloud Shell home directory one by one from the source folder Allfiles\Exercises\M02.

  3. Deploy the following ARM templates to create the VMs needed for this exercise:

    $RGName = "ContosoResourceGroup"
    New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $RGName -TemplateFile CoreServicesVMazuredeploy.json -TemplateParameterFile CoreServicesVMazuredeploy.parameters.json
  4. When the deployment is complete, go to the Azure portal home page, and then select Virtual Machines.

  5. Verify that the virtual machine has been created.

Task 5: Create ManufacturingVM

  1. On the Azure portal, open the PowerShell session within the Cloud Shell pane.

  2. On the toolbar of the Cloud Shell pane, select the Upload/Download files icon, in the drop-down menu, select Upload and upload the following files ManufacturingVMazuredeploy.json and ManufacturingVMazuredeploy.parameters.json into the Cloud Shell home directory one by one from the source folder Allfiles\Exercises\M02.

  3. Deploy the following ARM templates to create the VMs needed for this exercise:

    $RGName = "ContosoResourceGroup"
    New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $RGName -TemplateFile ManufacturingVMazuredeploy.json -TemplateParameterFile ManufacturingVMazuredeploy.parameters.json -asjob
  4. When the deployment is complete, go to the Azure portal home page, and then select Virtual Machines.

  5. Verify that the virtual machine has been created.

Task 6: Connect to the Test VMs using RDP

  1. On the Azure Portal home page, select Virtual Machines.

  2. Select ManufacturingVM.

  3. On ManufacturingVM, select Connect > RDP.

  4. On **ManufacturingVM Connect, select **Download RDP file.
  5. Save the RDP file to your desktop.

  6. Connect to ManufacturingTestVM using the RDP file, and the username TestUser and the password TestPa$$w0rd!. After connecting, minimize the RDP session.

  7. On the Azure Portal home page, select Virtual Machines.

  8. Select CoreServicesVM.

  9. On CoreServicesVM, select Connect > RDP.

  10. On **CoreServicesVM Connect, select **Download RDP file.
  11. Save the RDP file to your desktop.

  12. Connect to CoreServicesTestVM using the RDP file, and the username TestUser and the password TestPa$$w0rd!.

  13. On both VMs, in Networks, select Yes.

  14. On CoreServicesTestVM, open a PowerShell prompt.

  15. Use the following command to note the IPv4 address of the machine:


Task 7: Test the connection between the VMs

  1. On the ManufacturingVM, open a PowerShell prompt.

  2. Use the following command to verify that there is no connection to CoreServicesVM on CoreServicesVnet. Be sure to use the IPv4 address for CoreServicesVM.

    Test-NetConnection -port 3389
  3. The test connection should fail, and you will see a result similar to the following:

    Test-NetConnection failed.

Task 8: Connect CoreServicesVnet to ManufacturingVnet

  1. In Search resources, services, and docs (G+/), enter Virtual network gateway, and then select Virtual network gateways from the results.

  2. In Virtual network gateways, select CoreServicesVnetGateway.

  3. In CoreServicesGateway, select Connections, and then select + Add.


    You will not be able to complete this configuration until the virtual network gateways are fully deployed.

  4. Use the information in the following table to create the connection:

    Option Value
    Name CoreServicesGW-to-ManufacturingGW
    Connection type VNet-to-VNet
    First virtual network gateway CoreServicesVnetGateway
    Second virtual network gateway ManufacturingVnetGateway
    Shared key (PSK) abc123
    Use Azure Private IP Address Not selected
    Enable BGP Not selected
    IKE Protocol IKEv2
    Subscription No changes required
    Resource group No changes required
    Location East US
  5. To create the connection, select OK.

Task 9: Connect ManufacturingVnet to CoreServicesVnet

  1. In Search resources, services, and docs (G+/), enter Virtual network gateway, and then select Virtual network gateways from the results.

  2. In Virtual network gateways, select ManufacturingVnetGateway.

  3. In CoreServicesGateway, select Connections, and then select + Add.

  4. Use the information in the following table to create the connection:

    Option Value
    Name ManufacturingGW-to-CoreServicesGW
    Connection type VNet-to-VNet
    First virtual network gateway ManufacturingVnetGateway
    Second virtual network gateway CoreServicesVnetGateway
    Shared key (PSK) abc123
    Use Azure Private IP Address Not selected
    Enable BGP Not selected
    IKE Protocol IKEv2
    Subscription No changes required
    Resource group No changes required
    Location West Europe
  5. To create the connection, select OK.

Task 10: Verify that the connections connect

  1. In Search resources, services, and docs (G+/), enter connections, and then select connections from the results.

  2. Wait until the status of both connections is Connected. You may need to refresh your screen.

Note: This could take a couple of minutes.

VPN Gateway connections successfully created.

Task 11: Test the connection between the VMs

  1. On the ManufacturingVM, open PowerShell.

  2. Use the following command to verify that there is now a connection to CoreServicesVM on CoreServicesVnet. Be sure to use the IPv4 address for CoreServicesVM.

    Test-NetConnection -port 3389
  3. The test connection should succeed, and you will see a result similar to the following:

    Test-NetConnection suceeded.

  4. Close the Remote Desktop connection windows.

Congratulations! You have configured a VNet-to-VNet connection by using a virtual network gateway.