In this exercise, you will create an internal load balancer for the fictional Contoso Ltd organization.
The steps to create an internal load balancer, are very similar to those you have already learned about in this module, to create a public load balancer. The key difference is that with a public load balancer the front end is accessed via a public IP address, and you test connectivity from a host which is located outside your virtual network; whereas, with an internal load balancer, the front end is a private IP address inside your virtual network, and you test connectivity from a host inside the same network.
The diagram below illustrates the environment you will be deploying in this exercise.
In this exercise, you will:
In this section, you will create a virtual network and a subnet.
Log in to the Azure portal.
On any Azure Portal page, in Search resources, services and docs, enter virtual network, and then select Virtual networks from the results.
On the Virtual networks page, select +Create.
Important Note:
If the CREATE VIRTUAL NETWORK - TAB menu order is:
“Basics | Security | IP Addressess | Tags | Review + Create”. Use Option 1 instructions.
If the CREATE VIRTUAL NETWORK - TAB menu order is:
“Basics | IP Addressess | Security | Tags | Review + Create”. Scroll down and use Option 2 instructions.
On the Create virtual networks blade, on the Basics tab, use the information in the following table to create the VNet:
Setting | Value |
Subscription | Select your subscription |
Resource group | Select Create new Name: IntLB-RG |
Name | IntLB-VNet |
Region | (US) East US |
Click Next.
On the Create virtual networks blade, on the Security tab select the Enable Azure Bastion tickbox, then enter the information from the table below.
Setting | Value |
Azure Bastion host name | IntLB-Vnet-Bastion |
Azure Bastion Public IP address | Select: Create a public IP address - Accept the default name and click OK |
Click Next.
On the Create virtual networks blade, on the IP addresses tab: In the existing Address space section, under Subnets, select the default link.
On the Edit subnet blade, under Subnet details: Change the Name to MyBackendSubnet.
Click Save
In the Address space section. Click Add a subnet
Create a subnet with the following Subnet settings (leave other settings with their default values):
Setting | Value |
Subnet template | Default |
Name | MyFrontendSubnet |
Starting address | |
Subnet size | /24 (32 addresses) |
Click Add
Click Review and Create. Let validation occur, and click Create again to submit your deployment.
On the Azure portal home page, navigate to the Global Search bar and search Virtual Networks and select virtual networks under services.
Select Create on the Virtual networks page.
On the Basics tab, use the information in the table below to create the virtual network.
Setting | Value |
Subscription | Select your subscription |
Resource group | Select Create new Name: IntLB-RG |
Name | IntLB-VNet |
Region | (US) East US |
Select Next : IP Addresses.
On the IP Addresses tab, select + Add subnet.
In the Add subnet pane, provide a subnet name of myBackendSubnet, and a subnet address range of
Select Add.
Select Add subnet, provide a subnet name of myFrontEndSubnet, and a subnet address range of Select Add
Select Next : Security.
Under BastionHost select Enable, then enter the information from the table below.
Setting | Value |
Bastion name | myBastionHost |
AzureBastionSubnet address space | |
Public IP address | Select Create new Name: myBastionIP |
Select Review + create.
Select Create.
In this section, you will create three VMs, that will be in the same availability set, for the backend pool of the load balancer, add the VMs to the backend pool, and then install IIS on the three VMs to test the load balancer.
On the Azure portal, open the PowerShell session within the Cloud Shell pane.
On the toolbar of the Cloud Shell pane, select the Upload/Download files icon, in the drop-down menu, select Upload and upload the following files azuredeploy.json, azuredeploy.parameters.vm1.json, azuredeploy.parameters.vm2.json and azuredeploy.parameters.vm3.json into the Cloud Shell home directory one by one.
Deploy the following ARM templates to create the VMs needed for this exercise:
Important Note: When prompted for the User Password: For Example Use: Pa55w.rd1234 and add your initials to the end to make it unique. (i.e: Pa55w.rd1234AB) If you use any other complex password, make sure that you take note of it, it will be required in later steps,
$RGName = "IntLB-RG"
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $RGName -TemplateFile azuredeploy.json -TemplateParameterFile azuredeploy.parameters.vm1.json
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $RGName -TemplateFile azuredeploy.json -TemplateParameterFile azuredeploy.parameters.vm2.json
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $RGName -TemplateFile azuredeploy.json -TemplateParameterFile azuredeploy.parameters.vm3.json
Write-Host "Deployment complete"
Note It may take 10-20 mins to create these three VMs. Wait for the deployment to finish before moving to the next task
In this section, you will create an internal Standard SKU load balancer. The reason we are creating a Standard SKU load balancer here in the exercise, instead of a Basic SKU load balance, is for later exercises that require a Standard SKU version of the load balancer.
On the Azure portal home page, select Create a resource.
On the search box at the top of the page, type Load, then select Load Balancers from the Services list.
In the Load Balancing Blade, make sure that Load Balancer is selected.
Select + Create.
On the Basics tab, use the information in the table below to create the load balancer.
Setting | Value |
Subscription | Select your subscription |
Resource group | IntLB-RG |
Name | myIntLoadBalancer |
Region | (US) East US |
SKU | Standard |
Type | Internal |
Tier | Regional |
Select Next: Frontend IP configurations.
Select + Add a frontend IP configuration
On the Add frontend IP address blade, enter the information from the table below.
Setting | Value |
Name | LoadBalancerFrontEnd |
Virtual network | IntLB-VNet |
Subnet | myFrontEndSubnet |
Assignment | Dynamic |
Availability zone | No Zone |
Click Add
Select Next : Backend pools.
Select + Add a backend pool
On the Add backend pool blade, enter the information from the table below.
Setting | Value |
Name | myBackendPool |
Virtual network | IntLB-VNet |
Backend Pool Configuration | NIC |
Under IP Configurations, select + Add.
On the Add IP configurations to backend pool blade.
Select the checkboxes for all 3 VMs (myVM1, myVM2, and myVM3), then select Add.
Back on the Add backend pool blade: Select Save
On the Create load balancer blade: Select Next : inbound rules
On the Inbound rules tab, under Load balancing rule: Select + Add a load balancing rule
On the Add load balancing rule page, enter the information from the table below.
Setting | Value |
Name | myHTTPRule |
IP Version | IPv4 |
Frontend IP address | Select LoadBalancerFrontEnd from drop-down list |
Backend pool | Select myBackendPool from drop-down list |
High Avaialability Ports | Unchecked |
Protocol | TCP |
Port | 80 |
Backend port | 80 |
Health probe | Select: Create new |
On the Add health probe pop-up blade: Enter the information in the table below.
Setting | Value |
Name | myHealthProbe |
Protocol | TCP |
Port | 80 |
Path | / |
Interval | 5 |
Select OK
Back on the Add load balancing rule blade: click Add
Back on the Create load balancer blade: click Review + create
Wait for validation to complete.
Click Create
Wait for deployment to complete.
In this section, you will create a test VM, and then test the load balancer.
On the Azure portal home page, select Create a resource, then virtual, then select Virtual machine (if this resource type is not listed on the page, use the search box at the top of the page to search for it and select it).
On the Create a virtual machine page, on the Basics tab, use the information in the table below to create the first VM.
Setting | Value |
Subscription | Select your subscription |
Resource group | IntLB-RG |
Virtual machine name | myTestVM |
Region | (US) East US |
Availability options | No infrastructure redundancy required |
Image | Windows Server 2019 Datacenter - Gen 2 |
Size | Standard_DS2_v3 - 2 vcpu, 8 GiB memory |
Username | TestUser |
Password | Pa55w.rd1234?? Where (??) is your initails to make the password Unique |
Confirm password | Pa55w.rd1234?? |
Select Next : Disks, then select Next : Networking.
On the Networking tab, use the information in the table below to configure networking settings. Leave all other settings at their default settings.
Setting | Value |
Virtual network | IntLB-VNet |
Subnet | myBackendSubnet |
Public IP | Change to None |
Select Review + create.
Select Create.
Wait for this last VM to be deployed before moving forward with the next task.
On the Azure portal home page, select All resources, then select on myIntLoadBalancer from the resources list.
On the Overview page, make a note of the Private IP address, or copy it to the clipboard. Note: you may need to select See more in order to see the Private IP address field.
Select Home, then on the Azure portal home page, select All resources, then select on the myTestVM virtual machine that you just created.
On the Overview page, select Connect, then Bastion.
Select Use Bastion.
In the Username box, type TestUser and in the Password box, type TestPa$$w0rd!, then select Connect. If popup blocker is preventing the new window, allow popup blocker and Connect again.
The myTestVM window will open in another browser tab.
If a Networks pane appears, select Yes.
Select the Internet Explorer icon in the task bar to open the web browser.
Select OK on the Set up Internet Explorer 11 dialog box.
Enter (or paste) the Private IP address (e.g. from the previous step into the address bar of the browser and press Enter.
The default web home page of the IIS Web server is displayed in the browser window. One of the three virtual machines in the backend pool will respond.
Note: Remember to remove any newly created Azure resources that you no longer use. Removing unused resources ensures you will not see unexpected charges.
On the Azure portal, open the PowerShell session within the Cloud Shell pane.
Delete all resource groups you created throughout the labs of this module by running the following command:
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name 'IntLB-RG' -Force -AsJob
Note: The command executes asynchronously (as determined by the -AsJob parameter), so while you will be able to run another PowerShell command immediately afterwards within the same PowerShell session, it will take a few minutes before the resource groups are actually removed.